Friday, March 9, 2012

Finis to "The Hunger Games" trilogy

So I finally finished "The Hunger Games" tonight. Now I feel melancholy, lonely and jaded. Fun eh? I will say one thing in the current state I'm in: these books are well written. I also believe the author told the story the way she heard the character's tell her. She told the truth, and the truth was not pretty. I sincerely hope humanity's future can be brighter, though from what I know from "Revelation" it gets worse before it gets better; much like "The Hunger Games." It's interesting how we write these books that are so telling about how we feel about our future. I don't hear or read of Utopian visions anymore. I also think the state the world's been in for decades, perhaps centuries now forms our view of how the future may be; especially as things have only gotten worse with the centralization of governments, and the consequences of countries so closely tied together when things go bad. Now if only we were inherently good; then we could hope. Interestingly enough, there's very little hope in our world. It seems that in our hands, in our greedy hands, hope withers like a rose in a dry glass.

The takeaway here? We cannot allow ourselves to live our lives thinking we must control everything. We have to give it all over to Jesus Christ, who is the only one worthy of taking such things as our hopeless, control freak lives, and make something beautiful and worthy of a hopeful future; because in our hands we have no hope. We can expect nothing else but Hell.

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