Thursday, August 19, 2010

Interview Prep

Just for everyone's FYI I'm going to begin an interview process that includes: the interview, a write up, and a post of the write up. I've been thinking about how to do it, and would like some feedback as to the options I've come up with. Options: Create a totally different website for this body of work that includes audio footage, transcripts of the interviews, and write ups of them; Create a different blogger/blog spot for the interview write ups; or simply post them on this site. I've already conducted the first interview, but have been sitting on it for a couple weeks now. I'm hoping to attain some motivation to revisit.

Thanks for your cooperation.


  1. oh... and I apologize for becoming lax in my posting.

  2. GO FOR IT!
    My feedback: Create a different blogger/blog spot for the interview write ups
